MOM’s annual Save the Dandelions campaign helps raise awareness of the effects of toxic lawn chemicals on our environment, wildlife, pollinators, and health.

Why Save the Dandelions?

Every year, 3 million tons of synthetic fertilizers and 40,000 tons of chemical pesticides are used to create “well-manicured” lawns in the US. Yet, these chemicals pollute our air and waterways, are ingested by wildlife, and ultimately, wreak havoc on our environment.

The concept of owning a “perfect” lawn originated in the 18th century as a status symbol among the elite. It was around this time that dandelions began to be regarded as weeds. Contrary to their negative reputation, dandelions are beneficial plants that serve as an essential food source for our pollinators. Help us to #SaveTheDandelions and #ProtectPollinators by switching to organic lawn care!

Save the Dandelions bee
MOM’s testified to Maryland’s General Assembly in favor of banning PFAS in pesticides


MOM’s testified to Maryland’s General Assembly in favor of banning PFAS in pesticides. Bill SB0158 has passed!

Did you know?

Using a gas-powered mower for 1 hour can equate to traveling 500 miles by car.
MOM's Save the Dandelions. Dogs exposed to chemically treated lawns are 70% more likely to develop lymphoma.
MOM's Save the Dandelions. Chemical lawn runoff destroys watershed ecosystems and wildlife.


MOM's Organic Market T-shirt. Save the Dandelions 2023
Limited quantities available at all MOM’s locations! All proceeds support Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation.

Xerces’ mission is to protect the natural world through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitat.

MOM's Organic Market T-shirt. Save the Dandelions 2023

“What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not been discovered.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson