What To Do With Your Jack-o’-Lantern
The scary truth is every year, over 1 billion pounds of pumpkin are left rot in our landfills. The lack of oxygen in these environments leads pumpkins to produce methane, a potent greenhouse gas, detrimentally impacting the environment.

Give Wildlife a Treat
- For deer, rabbits, and squirrels cut your pumpkin into fourths for easy snacking.
- Create a bird feeder by cutting your pumpkin in half and filling it with birdseed.
Compost Them
Simply smash or cut your pumpkins:
- Add to your compost pile or spread out the pieces in your yard or garden.
- Bury them in the dirt or cover them with a layer of leaves.
Local Resources
If you cannot dispose of your pumpkin at home, we recommend searching for groups and events in your community:
- Zoos and farms often accept pumpkin donations for the animals to eat.
- Local pumpkin-smashing compost events are a fun way to close out Halloween
Pressed Flower Pumpkins
Fall in love with pressed flower pumpkins. This fully compostable craft is made with food-grade homemade “glue”. Create beautiful decorations and cut down on food waste- simply wash off the glue and enjoy some delicious pumpkin soup, later on!

What you will need:
- A pumpkin, gourd, or squash of your choosing
- A bouquet of flowers
- Compostable glue
- A paint brush
Compostable Glue Recipe:
- 1 ½ cups water
- 2 tablespoons of honey
- 1 teaspoon of vinegar
- 2 tablespoons of cornstarch
- In a saucepan stir together ¾ cups of water, honey, and vinegar. Bring this mixture to a full boil.
- In a medium mixing bowl add your cornstarch and the remaining ¾ cup of water. Stir until combined.
- Slowly add the cornstarch mixture to your saucepan stirring constantly.
- Return the mixture to a full boil and continue cooking for 1 minute.
- Remove from the heat and allow to cool. Store in a sealed container.

Step 1
Press your flowers. There are several methods you can use to do this, but the quickest is the microwave. If you have extra time using a book or press will also yield great results.
- To press your flowers in the microwave simply cover a plate with a paper towel and place your flowers face down. Cover with another paper towel and add a plate on top to act as a press. Put in the microwave for 90 seconds. If slightly damp, place it back in the microwave for an additional 30 seconds. Leave your flowers out to continue the drying process.

Step 2
Once you are ready to begin crafting you can use your paintbrush to put a layer of glue onto a small section of your pumpkin.
Step 2
Once you are ready to begin crafting you can use your paintbrush to put a layer of glue onto a small section of your pumpkin.

Step 3
Place one of your pressed flowers on this glue spot. Use your brush to layer more glue on top of your pressed flower to seal it into the pumpkin.

Step 4
Simply repeat as desired around your pumpkin and you’re done!
Step 4
Simply repeat as desired around your pumpkin and you’re done!